The main objective is to contribute to improving the quality of work with child and adolescent mental health in Norway. This goal is three-fold as follows:
To make knowledge about the quality and effectiveness of various interventions available
We know from a large number of studies that the quality and effects of many interventions used in practice are uncertain. At the same time, there are interventions with solid documentation from research that, nonetheless, are not put to use in practice. Most professionals have limited time to keep updated on all the research literature and need a relevant summary of research results in order to include research-based knowledge in their practice. Assessment of quality and effects tied to an intervention will provide professionals, researchers and decision-makers with information on whether the intervention fulfills its purpose and whether it may be implemented in practice.
To stimulate further research on the effects of interventions
Child and youth services and agencies in Norway would like to offer methods that they have reason to believe fulfill their intentions. More studies on the effectiveness of different interventions will make this easier. Therefore, the criteria for classification are designed to inspire further research on the effects of interventions. Many of the interventions are currently under development, and studies are being conducted or planned to evaluate the effectiveness. The requirements for the various levels of evidence are thus built on each other such that new and improved documentation may lead to a higher classification for the intervention.
To contribute to an overview of areas that lack interventions documented as effective
The journal Ungsinn provides an overview of the areas where there are well-documented interventions available in Norway and where there are knowledge gaps. This overview may provide the basis for recommendations on the development of new interventions in areas where they are currently not found.
In Ungsinn, the knowledge basis for interventions is summarized; however, the articles cannot be solely viewed as recommendations. Recommendations require that other aspects aside from the effect of the intervention should be evaluated, and that several interventions/methods may be compared as part of the process. The information in Ungsinn may be useful in preparing and determining such recommendations. This may apply to recommendations regarding which interventions appropriating authorities should finance dissemination for, which interventions an individual agency should implement, or which areas should be further researched.
The text above is taken and translated from Martinussen, M., Reedtz, C., Eng, H., Neumer, S. P., Patras, J., & Mørch, W.T. (2016). Ungsinn – kriterier og prosedyrer for vurdering og klassifisering av tiltak. [Ungsinn – Criteria and procedures for evaluation and classification of interventions]. Tromsø: UiT The Arctic University of Norway